Sclof is a free service that helps you create personalized cover letters quickly. By uploading your resume and the job description you are applying for, our AI analyzes the information and crafts a cover letter that aligns with the job requirements and your professional profile. Just choose your preferred language and tone, and let sclof handle the rest!

No, you don’t need an account. Sclof is designed to be accessible without any registration, allowing you to directly start creating your cover letter anonymously and conveniently.

Currently, we accept CVs in PDF format. This ensures that the formatting remains consistent and that our AI can accurately extract necessary details.

Absolutely! Sclof offers multiple tone options such as formal, conversational, storytelling, and more. You can select any tone that best matches the nature of the job or your personal preference.

Typically, it takes just one minute or so. Once you submit all the required information, our AI gets to work and generates your cover letter swiftly so you can proceed with your application process.

Yes, your data is completely safe. We do not store any personal information after your session ends. Our service is designed to respect your privacy and confidentiality at every step.

If you run into any issues, you can reach out through our contact form available on the website. We are here to help and resolve any problems as quickly as possible.

Yes, sclof is versatile and can be used to create cover letters for a wide range of industries and job positions. Whether you are applying for a creative role or a technical position, sclof can tailor your cover letter to meet the job’s demands.

We ask for your consent to temporarily use your data to generate a cover letter. This is a formality to ensure transparency and trust, reassuring you that your information is handled responsibly and ethically.

Yes, sclof is an online service accessible from anywhere. Just ensure you have an internet connection and you can start creating your cover letter from any location.

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