The Master Toolkit of
Job Hoppers

Generate effective cover letters and explore tailored courses to
🚀 your career. It's free! (Also we won't sell your data)

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The ultimate resource for navigating
the modern job landscape

Keep Total Control of Your Personal Data

  • We do not store personal data
  • Clear and transparent privacy policy
  • Local servers to host open source AI models
  • No data is shared with third parties
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Choose the Best AI Models Available Today

  • Leverage the best AI models for free
  • Rocking Claude Sonnet and Llama
  • Avoid ChatGPT's hiccups and queues
  • AI Models are hosted in our private servers
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Tailored Online Courses Just Right for You

  • Discover top online education platforms
  • Get personalized course recommendations
  • Obtain certifications to propel your career
  • Focus on learning new skills, not mundane tasks
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Measure Your Fit for Job Descriptions

  • Assess your match with each job's requirements
  • Get personalized suggestions
  • Improve scores with course suggestions
  • Skills > self-branding
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Assisting individuals

Work Smarter, Not

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Easy to use

Our goal is to let you jump right in, use what you need, and then get on with your day without any hassle. No freemium tiers, no need to pull out your credit card, and no annoying trial versions. The best part? You don't even need to create an account or log in. We provide a service that’s as easy and seamless as possible, so you can focus on what matters.

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From the very beginning, we made a conscious choice not to collect or store any user data. This means no data harvesting, and nothing gets logged in our databases. This setup ensures that we don’t have to send your data anywhere else. And once you're done? It's like a magic act—your data disappears, never to be seen again, keeping your privacy intact.

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Fast responding

Thanks to sclof, you can now craft a standout cover letter, perfectly tailored to your CV and the job you're targeting, in just minutes. And with all the time you’ll save, why not put it to good use? You could dive into learning a new skill or mastering a new tool—anything that genuinely boosts your career. So, go ahead, make the most of your newfound free time!

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Join our Community Subreddit

Meet and learn from other people who share how thay use AI to apply for jobs and navigate online education platforms.

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The opinions of the community

Sclof has revolutionized my daily routine! Now, instead of writing cover letters, I actually learn the skills I need to have to get hired!

Abigail D.

Social Media Manager

I could never wrap my head around the reasons why a software engineer should be good at self-branding. Now, I don't have to be anymore.

Guy G.

Web Developer

Sclof boosted my job hunt efficiency. Cover letters and CV tips are on point. Highly valuable for job seekers.

Olivia C.

Business Analyst